Guru Purnima Toronto 21st July, 2024

Jai Mata Ji Di. Jai Guru Maharaj Ji Di. Jai Baba Ji Di.

Guru Purnima Schedule: 21st July, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

About Guru Purnima

Guru pooja is an ancient revered tradition passed down from generation to generation from the establishment of the Sanatan Dharam. A precious and sacred relationship is formed between guru and disciple and thus we come together, on the auspicious occasion of guru pooja, to worship our guru and celebrate this holy union of Atma and Paramatma (soul and supersoul). Guru pooja is the venerated occasion on which the guru blesses his devotee with the blessed guru mantra and initiates their elevation into the spiritual world. The day also provides the devotee an opportunity to shower their guru with infinte gratitude and devotion. When one decides to tread the path of self realisation and spirituality, to obtain the grace of the divine, a need for a righteous guru arises. It is with the guidance and discipline of the guru, that His disciple obtains their ultimate aim of mukti (liberation from the cycle of birth and death ) and to reside at the lotus feet of The Lord in the realm of the almighty that we call "BEKHUNT" In the materialistic world that we live in, the guru provides fruition to the worldly seeds that we sow. As much as one is in search of their True guru, the Guru is also in search of his devotee. As Mahraj says' " Je tu ohnu tolda te ohve tenu tolda" Sidh Shakti Bibi Satya Devi Satsang Bhawan Guru Pooja or purnima is held annually in accordance to the holy calendar. The Bhawan openly invites everyone to join in on the festivities and celebrate this momentous day with our Beloved Guru ji. Our Satgur Mahraj Bibi Satya Devi ji always lovingly addressed their congregation by saying " This is a day to celebrate the guru- shishya (Teacher-student) relationship, but this is not just a day for those who have formed this relationship but for all. Every person is equally as dear to me whether they are my disciple or not. You are all my dearest."

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